Saturday 13 October 2012

iPhone 5: Free cancels orders

Three weeks ago, came the iPhone 5. Three weeks ago, the bravest lined up at various Apple Store French. Three weeks ago, some even received their smartphone home preordered a week earlier.Today, some are still waiting ...

Released on September 21, after pre-orders opened on 14 September, the iPhone 5 is now in the hands of those who ordered ... 
almost all, anyway. Available from all operators and in the vast majority of MVNOs, the latest Apple broke records in its first week of marketing, reaching into the weekend five million copies sold . The last time operator, Free Mobile, encounter difficulties that his side are not without creating unrest among its customers, for whom the wait drags in proportions exceeding acceptable.
Order Cancellation:
Without adequate supplies, Free Mobile encounter great difficulties to fulfill orders placed with iPhone 5 services. The operator places today a new option for appeasing the discontented order cancellation. Go to the section "Commands mobile", where a button "Cancel order" made ​​its appearance, either cash payments or for payments in four installments for free. then the customer will be reimbursed within thirty days ... And will then refer to another operator. We had enjoyed the rates offered by the virtual operator Sosh (from € 639.90 for iPhone 5 16GB), we can only advise you to refer to this digital offer, or to go for a ride an Apple Store, if your location allows you!

1 comment:

  1. This is very good step taken by Apple. What ever be the issue for company it is very helpful for consumers.
