Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Phonebloks, the immortal phone

Today, phones are designed to have a life quite limited, less than two years. It's called planned obsolescence. To fight against this phenomenon, Dave Hakkens imagined the Phonebloks , a phone that could replace all the parts easily by simply changing the display assembly, one dedicated to the camera or Bluetooth. A very beautiful utopia!

Dave's approach is primarily ecological Hakkens. Indeed, countless phones that make the soul every day is a very important source of pollution. To avoid such a waste, Dave has created an immortal phone. That is to say? The Phonebloks would consist of a plate containing all the electronic system on which it is sufficient to plugger blocks corresponding to features. Could add a screen and block more or less, a camera, a Bluetooth connection, more or less memory, an impressive battery or not ... The goal is to set up a phone actually custom. And not only change the color of the hull or burn a message back as the Motorola Moto X . And if any part of Phonebloks were to be damaged, it is sufficient to replace the simplest way. The idea is just great, but still unlikely to emerge. We had already met one such project was aborted in less than six months. In fact, the economy of mobile telephony based on the renewal of the fleet of mobile phones. The only way for such a project would be bought by a giant mobile that would develop the project and propose spare parts at a prohibitive price. Apple , you taker?

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